Both individuals and groups can subscribe for this event
Each year we dedicate at least one week to the fastest growing hobby in the world: photography and videography. Very few visitors do not bring a camera nowadays. Some make pretty nice pictures with a small compact, others have purchased a high-end DSLR camera. All of us enjoy making pictures, but it is not an easy thing to do. Color, light, composition, to get them all right can be a difficult task. You might want to improve your skills or just share your passion for photography with others. Then join the photography weeks. Videographers are very welcome too. We have weeks for bird photographers and for those with a more general interest. If you are interested just drop us an e-mail.
Bird Photography
Farm Lator manages several bird hides:. in the orchard (Hawfinch, Great and Middle and Lesser spotted Woodpecker, Collared Flycatcher, Serin, Coaltit and other tits and finches)
. in a bee-eater quarry (Bee-eater, Corn Bunting, Red-backed Shrike, Barred Warbler etc.)In addition, we co-operate with a Hungarian agent with an extensive network of hides, so that next to the birds at our own facilities we have a broader spectrum to choose from. The most frequented hides are:
. Red-footed Falcon tower hide (Red-footed Falcon, Rook, Jackdaw, Lesser Grey Shrike, Kestrel etc.)
. Pygmy Cormoran reedbed hide (Pygmee Cormoran, Ferruginous Duck, White Egret, White -winged Black Tern, Whiskered Tern, ducks, grebes)
. Roller hide (Roller, sometimes Golden Oriole)
Both the hides from our colleague and our own hides, outside the workshop periods, are for rent through Farm Lator. When the hides are booked in combination with our accommodation, an interesting discount is possible. Both individuals and groups are welcome to book any of the hides. For more details, please write us an E-mail:
Macro photography
Though birds are favorite among most nature photographers, insects, especially butterflies, have a growing popularity. In the coming year we will develop a tour/workshop for macro-photographers. Rob will guide you to locations with much sought after targets for macrophotography, such as Poplar Adimral, Scarce Fritillary, Woodland Brown, Lesser Purple and Purple Emperor, but also Stag Beetle, Rosalia alpina, Green lizard, Aesculapian snake, Red-bellied Toed etc. Keep checking this page for future developments.